
Botox Cosmetics is FDA approved for forehead lines and wrinkles

Oct 31, 2017
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New uses of botox are being explored every day, and while Botox is approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration for treatment of the glabellar and crow’s feet, it has recently been approved for treatment of forehead lines.

Botox Cosmetics is FDA approved for forehead lines and wrinkles


New uses of botox are being explored every day, and while Botox is approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration for treatment of the glabellar and crow’s feet, it has recently been approved for treatment of forehead lines. Botox has commonly been used for forehead lines, bunny lines, mental (chin), upper lip lines. As well as being known for treatment of a gummy smile, hyperhidrosis, platysmas bands, TMJ, master reduction, migraines, depression, and  neuromuscular conditions. With new uses of Botox Cosmetic being experimented and explored every day it’s surprising the drug isn’t already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its various indications.

The muscle in the forehead is a vertical muscle, with movement (such as raising the eyebrows), the muscle contracts and forms horizontal lines or wrinkles. Botox chemically blocks the nerve impulses that signal movement to these muscles. Botox is the only neurotoxin approved by the FDA for treatment of forehead lines, crows feet, and glabellar lines.

Although it seems like Botox has been treating forehead wrinkles for many years, this use of botox is “off-label” meaning doctors have been using the drug to treat forehead lines outside of its approved use by the FDA. Botox was first FDA- approved for treatment of glabellar lines. Once a drug is FDA approved, licensed physicians can use their professional judgment  to prescribe it for use in other areas, and give treatment of other conditions that can benefit from the drug. FDA gives approval to medications after years of testing to prove the drug does what it claims to do. Botox’s recent FDA-approval for use in the forehead area just means that the drug has passed numerous clinical trials and is proven to temporarily diminish lines and wrinkles.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 7 million Botox Cosmetic treatments were administered in 2016, making it the number-one noninvasive cosmetic treatment in the country. Botox is being administer in younger patients as a means of preventing aging lines and wrinkles. It is expected there will be many more FDA-approved use for Botox in the years to come. If you have concerns with lines and wrinkles in your forehead visit Pure Bliss Med Spa in the Atlanta area for a free consultation. Our injectors are licensed practitioners with expertise in Botox injections and dermal fillers and have been superior in cosmetic injections for Sandy Springs and Atlanta GA.