
Skin Rejuvenation using Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Feb 06, 2017
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Skin rejuvenation and resurfacing can be achieved in numerous ways including laser light therapy, IPL, micro-needling, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels. These safe and minimally invasive procedures can reverse the effects of sun damage, aging, and..

Skin Rejuvenation using Skin Resurfacing Treatments


Skin rejuvenation and resurfacing can be achieved in numerous ways including laser light therapy, IPL, micro-needling, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels. These safe and minimally invasive procedures can reverse the effects of sun damage, aging, and other skin disorders. Everyone’s skin is unique and it is important to customize a treatment plan for each individual.

Lasers, like laser genesis, use highly concentrated beams of light energy to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, reduce scars, treat acne, and diminish pore size.

Chemical Peels use a chemical solution causing the outer surface to peel away and reveal new fresh skin.

Microdermabrasion uses mechanical exfoliation, where a device sloughs off the outer layer of skin revealing smoother, healthier skin.

Microneedling uses a device with tiny micro needles to create minor injury to the skin stimulating the skin to heal itself and rebuild new skin and collagen.

Conditions that can be treated with skin resurfacing include:

  • Lines and wrinkles such as static wrinkles that are always visible and do not change in appearance with facial movements
  • Hyperpigmentation, freckles, sun spots, acne scars, melasma, brown spots, or other darkened patches of skin
  • Scars and uneven skin texture, scars may be rolling or pitted, discolored, or have raised borders
  • Redness and vascular conditions like telangiectasia, visible blood vessels, vascular lesions, or even a constant flush of facial redness
  • Loss of skin tone, saggy skin, loss of skin firmness and the beginning signs of cellulite.

Generally one thing all of these skin resurfacing treatments have in common is they work by removing the damaged outer layer of the skin; allowing new skin to appear that’s smoother and healthier. Results can be permanent depending on the condition being treated. Pure Bliss Med Spa offers these treatments to clients in the Atlanta, Sandy Springs, North Atlanta and surrounding areas.